(WIP) Statamic (by Parallax)

This part of the guide will tell you about any alterations Parallax developers have made to Statamic to make it work better with our flow. You should first read Statamic by Official Docs and ideally before that view the Statamic Docs, learning either by text or video.

We'll refer to the official version as 'Statamic Official' and the Parallax version as 'Statamic Parallax' throughout this guide.


To get started clone the base Statamic repo into a new directory:

git clone ssh://git@my.parall.ax:7999/ipx/statamic.git `my-site`

Move into the new directory (cd my-site) and update the origin to point to your new site:

git init
git remote add origin ssh://git@my.parall.ax:7999/ex2/`my-site`.git

Next, install the composer dependencies, ensuring that you are in the statamic subdirectory:

cd statamic
composer install

Now head back to the root directory (cd ..) to create a .env file and app key:

cd ../
cp .env.example .env
php please key:generate


The app key is not stored in the .env file. You will find it in site/settings/system.yaml – it doesn't appear to automatically update so you may have to do this manually.

The CACHE_DRIVER default in the example is set to redis, you can use this but if you'd prefer apc feel free to change it here. If you'd like to use redis and encounter a connection refused error (for example, when running "please" commands) then you will likely need to install and run a redis server. Run the following commands:

$ brew install redis
$ redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf

Open up the .env file and update any details relating to your local environment, such as the database connection. Next, run the database migrations:

php please migrate

Statamic themes are stored in public/themes. You may notice that there is a base theme in there already, called default. Rename this folder to the name of your site, for example my-site.

cd public/themes/my-site
npm install

Fieldsets, the database, and you

To manage data in Statamic, for News Articles or Events (or anything!) for example, you will need to create a 'Collection'. A Collection is the group of things you need for each set of data, consisting of:

  • a Laravel migration - this defines the SQL that will create the structure of the database tables. The fields in the migration will usually match up with the fields defined in the fieldset.
  • a Laravel model - this defines which fieldset a set of data is linked to, as well as the Laravel view to pass the data to, and some Statamic options.

See the 'Models / Collections' section below for more info on creating collections.

You will also need:

  • a Statamic fieldset - to define the structure of the form in the Statamic backend that the site admin will be inputting content through
  • a database table - this will automatically be created when you run the migration on the command line


In both the regular Statamic install and the Parallax Statamic, the schema/data structure for a group of fields (such as the fields that make up an element, or an entire page) are stored in 'Fieldsets'. These are .yaml files that define multiple fields, and a set of attributes relating to each of those fields, such as its name (e.g. 'Main title'), its type (e.g. 'text'), its appearance within the Statamic backend etc.

You'll find fieldsets in the /site/settings/fieldsets directory. They look something a bit like this:

    display: Main
        display: Title
        type: text
        localizable: true
        width: 50
        validate: required
        display: Slug
        type: text
        width: 50
        validate: required
taxonomies: false
hide: true
title: 'Page - Default'

Obviously these would be quite cumbersome to type out, especially as .yaml files are fussy about indentation. The best way to work with fieldsets is to generate them using the Statamic backend, then make small incremental edits to the generated .yaml file in your code editor. Larger edits should still happen in the Statamic backend though, as you'll save time.

In the Statamic backend, look at the bottom of the sidebar, under 'Configure' you'll see 'Fieldsets'. Read more about them here

The database

In Statamic Official, data is stored in yaml files in a similar way to the how the schema/fieldsets are.

In Statamic Parallax, we use a database adaptor to make things a bit more familiar. Rather than creating your database tables & table schemas with a tool like Sequel Pro, we want to use Migrations.

Models / Collections

Vanilla Statamic has a concept of Collections:

Collections can be anything. Blog posts, news articles, knock knock jokes, you name it. Other content management systems might call them “channels”, “structures”, or “post types”.

When using Statamic Parallax, “collections” exist as Eloquent models.

Creating new collections

php please make:collection NewsArticle

This will create two files: a database migration (site/database/migrations/00000000_create_news_articles_table.php), and an Eloquent model (site/helpers/Models/NewsArticle.php).

The migration will already contain the required columns (id, title, slug, data, published) for your new collection. After adding any additional columns that you require, run your migration:

php please migrate


If you do add additional columns you will need to add these to the model’s fillable array so that content can be saved to those columns via the Statamic control panel.


When you want to run migrations on QA or Live, check this documentation: https://myparallax.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DD/pages/1011286017/Kbuild#Running-migrations

Model properties


Defines the Statamic fieldset to use when creating entries.


The Blade template to use when rendering an entry.


The URL for entries. You can use curly brackets ({}) for model attributes:

public static $slug = 'news/{slug}';

You can also access attributes from relationships:

public static $slug = 'news/{news_category.slug}/{slug}';


If a relationship appears in the URL consider adding it to your model’s with property to load it eagerly. For example protected $with = ['news_category'];


This array property defines how your collection will behave in the Statamic control panel (cp).

  • searchable: whether or not collection entries appear in the global search
  • nav: set to false to hide the collection in the main nav. Otherwise, specify an array with an icon property:
'nav' => [
  'icon' => 'emoji-happy',


Statamic uses the Entypo icon set. You can find the icon names by visiting the Entypo website and inspecting the icon you want to use. The icon name is the SVG filename, without the .svg extension.

  • columns: Defines which columns to display in the collection index table.
'columns' => [
  'created_at' => [
    // overwrite the column display name
    // without this the header would be “Created At”
    'header' => 'Created',


You can also specify relationship attributes using dot notation, and overwrite the field used for sorting the column:

'columns' => [
  // `title_with_flag_and_link` is a computed attribute that returns HTML
  'country.title_with_flag_and_link' => [
    'header' => 'Country',
    // use the original title attribute for sorting
    'sort_field' => 'country.title',


Routing is managed by Statamic using the 'Pages' part of the CMS. The tree structure you see there controls the routes. So if you have About (with a slug of /about) and create a subpage, it will be at /about/sub-page-slug. The exception to this is for Collections (e.g. CaseStudy), which usually have 'view' pages, (e.g. /case-studies/>slug-here<). This route is managed in the model (e.g. CaseStudy.php) under $slug

You can also manually configure routes in:



  /study/no-ordinary-campus-old: /study/no-ordinary-campus
  /study/yorkshire-life-old: /study/yorkshire-life
  /student-life/support: /study/support
  /study/student-life/yorkshire-life: /study/yorkshire-life
  /study/student-life: /study/yorkshire-life


You can set up redirects using the 'SEO' tab on any page that you're editing in Statamic.

Please note: this does not mean that /your-first-url will automatically redirect to /your-new-url, it just means that if you have <a href="{{ page_url(23) } }"> then Statamic will know the user needs to go to /your-new-url and send them there. If you would like /your-first-url to automatically redirect, then you must set up a manual redirect. See the docs on this in the other part of this documentation here

View Composers

Most of the data that you will use in your views will come from fieldsets. You create the fieldset, attach it to a page or model, the admin enters content via the CMS, and your views pull this out. This isn't the only way to pass data into your Statamic views though. If you know you want specific data, e.g. if you want to just show the latest 3 blog articles, then you don't want to rely on your admin choosing these 3 articles via UI in Statamic every time they want to show them.

Instead you can use View Composers. This is a Laravel feature rather than a Statamic feature, but are nevertheless very useful in Statamic.

Views get fed data from the Composer.

Firstly, you will need to create a view file, which could be an entire page, e.g. /public/themes/default/templates/news_articles/index.blade.php, or even as small as an element, e.g. /public/themes/default/templates/elements/my-little-element.blade.php. Reference some data that you're going to pass in, e.g. @foreach ($news_articles as $news_article). You will get this $news_articles data from a View Composer.

Create `/site/addons/App/Composers/LatestThreeNewsArticlesComposer.php


namespace Statamic\Addons\App\Composers;

use Illuminate\View\View;
use Statamic\SiteHelpers\Models\NewsArticle;

class LatestThreeNewsArticlesComposer
    public function compose(View $view)
        $news_articles = NewsArticle::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take(3)->get();


Great, now you might be thinking how does Laravel know that this Composer I have just created is linked to news_articles/index.blade.php or elements/my-little-element.blade.php – you'd be right to ask that, because it doesn't yet.

You will need to tell Laravel to link those two things using a Service Provider.

Open /site/addons/App/AppServiceProvider.php and add this line to the boot() function:

View::composer('elements.my-little-element.blade.php', Composers\LatestThreeNewsArticlesComposer::class);

Your data will now be available in your view.


You can read the current view data using the getData method on the view. In this example the composer provides the latest blog posts, and the amount of posts is configurable:

class LatestNewsComposer
    public function compose(View $view)
        $viewData = $view->getData();
        $count = $viewData['count'] ?? 3;

        $view->with('posts', NewsArticle::orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->take($count)->get());
@include('elements.latest-posts', ['count' => 10])



The entry_url function returns the URL for an entry, given its type and ID:

$url = entry_url('NewsArticle', 18);


The page_url function returns the URL for a page, given its ID:

$url = page_url(7); // same as entry_url('Page', 7)


The image_url function returns a Cloudinary URL, given a Statamic image field:

$url = image_url($entry->image, [
  'w' => 500,
  'h' => 500,

// https://res.cloudinary.com/parallax-agency/image/upload/w_500%2Ch_500%2Cc_fill%2Cq_auto%2Cf_auto/statamic/prlx-k8s-my-site/my-image.jpg


The image_srcset function returns a list of Cloudinary URLs for use in a srcset, given a Statamic image field:

$srcset = image_srcset($entry->image, [
  'w' => 500,
  'h' => 500,
  'step' => 100,

https://res.cloudinary.com/parallax-agency/image/upload/w_500%2Ch_500%2Cc_fill%2Cq_auto%2Cf_auto/statamic/prlx-k8s-my-site/my-image.jpg w500,
https://res.cloudinary.com/parallax-agency/image/upload/w_400%2Ch_400%2Cc_fill%2Cq_auto%2Cf_auto/statamic/prlx-k8s-my-site/my-image.jpg w400,
https://res.cloudinary.com/parallax-agency/image/upload/w_300%2Ch_300%2Cc_fill%2Cq_auto%2Cf_auto/statamic/prlx-k8s-my-site/my-image.jpg w300,
https://res.cloudinary.com/parallax-agency/image/upload/w_200%2Ch_200%2Cc_fill%2Cq_auto%2Cf_auto/statamic/prlx-k8s-my-site/my-image.jpg w200,
https://res.cloudinary.com/parallax-agency/image/upload/w_100%2Ch_100%2Cc_fill%2Cq_auto%2Cf_auto/statamic/prlx-k8s-my-site/my-image.jpg w100


The image_meta function returns field data saved against an image:

$alt = image_meta($entry->image, 'alt');


Assets are stored on Amazon S3. When a project builds on Bamboo for the first time, a bucket will be created.

Using the bucket locally

  • Log in to the Kubernetes Dashboard
  • Search for your project under Namespace on the left-hand side
  • Select a pod
  • Look for the S3 details under the Container section:
  • Copy these variables to your local .env file
  • Check that these details are being used in site/content/assets/main.yaml:
title: 'Main Assets'
url: /assets
driver: s3
key: "{env:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}"
secret: "{env:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}"
bucket: "{env:AUTO_S3_BUCKET}"
region: eu-west-1
Last Updated: 12/12/2019, 3:18:05 PM